We advise comprehensively
We advise and qualify future-oriented supervisory board members to design stable processes for appointments to and remuneration for the board of directors. We also provide guidance on people and culture strategy, composition of the supervisory board and sustainability aspects of social affairs and corporate governance.
Ready to take responsibility for business success?
People, culture and governance are the main focuses of today.
Control processes for board appointments
The core tasks of the supervisory board are the selection and appointment of the members of the management board and creating regulations for their remuneration. Appointments to the management board are usually planned in advance, but can also arise unexpectedly. Even before an external search is commissioned, the supervisory board’s guidelines for the selection process serve as an orientation and aid in making wise, well-founded appointment decisions.
We provide structure
We design the selection process alongside the supervisory board and set specific parameters. These include competence profiles for prospective board members, role assignment for those involved in the process, target area selection for the search and deciding on whether to engage executive search consultants. Additionally, we ensure that the criteria and methods for assessing professional and personal suitability are defined before the recruitment process begins. This framework enables us to secure all of the process steps and provides the supervisory board the best basis with which to reach a high-quality and comprehensible decision, consequently saving time and money.
We help to reduce the risk of unsatisfactory appointments through clarity and structure.
- Diversity concept for the composition of the board of directors
- Board appointment roadmap (roles, schedule, milestones)
- Development of meaningful and tailor-made board competence profiles
- Advice on selection tools to assess the competencies and personality of candidates
- Target area selection for the search (national, international, company-internal, industry-internal, competitors)
- Definition of quality criteria for the selection of executive search consultants and management diagnostics
- Design of executive search and leadership assessment tenders
- Process arbitration
- Remuneration philosophy and executive board remuneration
We pay particular attention to ensuring that the entire process is in strict accordance with corporate values and strategy.
Composition of the supervisory board
We create transparency
We provide the supervisory board and business-owners with advice on how to evaluate the make-up of committees and design procedures for professional appointments. We assist supervisory board teams in identifying and utilizing the strengths of diversity.
- Analysis of the composition of the entire supervisory board and committees
- Evaluation of hard facts such as industry, experience, generation, gender, origin, independence and of soft facts (e.g. analysis of strengths/business chemistry)
- Blueprint development using gap analysis and workshops in accordance with corporate strategy
- Definition of the experience/qualification profiles for supervisory board members
Consultation on People · Culture · Governance
The workforce of organizations, including all employees and external stakeholders, has evolved from a peripheral role to a crucial area of development for business leadership.
Every corporate strategy needs to deal with the fundamental issues of hiring, retaining, and developing employees. Alongside acquiring the necessary digital skills, this must also encompass aspects of intergenerational cooperation. A strong people and culture strategy addresses these crucial points.
The choosing of key executives is the operational responsibility of the executive board. Nevertheless – the supervisory board should have a fundamental interest in the caliber and performance of these executives in terms of forward-looking succession planning.
How are they remunerated in relation to management, how do they react to unexpected setbacks and, very importantly, which potential successors in the management and board have been identified and developed?
We start the conversation
In relation to all facets of people and culture, we are sparring partners for supervisory boards, foundations, advisory boards and business-owners. Our external view provides the relevant analyses, trends, comparative values and fundamentals.
- (Re)alignment of people and culture strategies
- Review of diversity concepts
- Stress-testing of succession planning/talent management
- Benchmarking with best practice examples
- Identifiying cross-industry trends and innovations within the context of people and culture
ESG Qualification: Environment · Society · Governance
Preparation, preparation, preparation
We support business-owners and members of the supervisory board in becoming qualified advisors and discussion partners for the board of directors on people and culture issues and furthermore, encourage them to sieze the opportunities that the transparency obligations relating to workforce, society and governance present.
- Workshops with committees and the entire supervisory board
- Conception, planning and implementation of supervisory board training retreats
- Individual coaching